# CrossFit MASS CrossFit MASS | 1580 North Andover MA 01845 | Fitness for the Merrimack Valley

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Monday, April 23, 2007

5 rounds for time

20 Walking lunges with dumbbells
10 DB Snatches (5 left 5 right)
10 Push-up

Post time to comments

Note: place one DB on the ground for snatches


Karen said...

I only managed 2 rounds in 9:06, and I only did 5 pushups (accidently--I could have probably eeked out the 10 without collapsing). I have a suggestion for a name: TORTURE!

Ann said...

Both the walking lunges and snatches were really awkward. Used 10lb dumbbells. Regular push-ups. Time of 13:36.