# CrossFit MASS CrossFit MASS | 1580 North Andover MA 01845 | Fitness for the Merrimack Valley

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Friday, April 17, 2015

A1. Romanian Deadlift 5 x 6
A2. Behind the neck presses 5 x 6

Complete 20 sets of 8-seconds of work, 12-seconds active rest at each of the stations listed bellow.

Row, for calories
Jump Touch Target 12"
35 pound Dumbbell Thruster

To be clear, you will do 20 sets of 8 seconds on/12 seconds rest for rowing;
then you do 20 sets of 8 seconds on/12 seconds off of Jump Touches;
then you do 20 sets of 8 seconds on/12 seconds off of Dumbbell Thruster.

Rest 1 minute between each station.
Your score is the total number of reps and calories

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